晓华亲子英语课程合集 - 短剧搜 - 免费资源搜索平台,网盘资源搜索神器,百度夸克云盘网盘下载,逆袭短剧推荐
- file:一阶课表及书单.jpg
- file:开营讲座-分享.mp3
- file:第45讲:一石二鸟的学习类游戏.mp3
- file:【附赠课13】绘本-George And Martha story.mp3
- file:写在前面的话:每个爸妈都可以在家中轻松营造双语氛围.mp3
- file:【附赠课12】绘本-Goodnight, Gorilla.mp3
- file:【附赠课10】儿歌-Round and Round the Garden.mp3
- file:第34讲:绘本示范-《Getting Dressed》《The Lively Little Rabbit》.mp3
- file:第33讲:怎样玩转分级读物?.mp3
- file:【附赠课18】日常对话-关于小黄人你都知道什么.mp3
- file:【附赠课19】绘本-Daddy Pig's Old Chair.mp3
- file:第40讲:看动画片能学英语吗?.mp3
- file:第07讲:7个实用小窍门,把词汇玩儿起来.mp3
- file:【附赠课09】玩英语-怎样毁掉一个童话?.mp3
- file:【附赠课17】日常对话-Trying Out A Music Box.mp3
- file:第01讲:从小就进行英语启蒙有那么必要吗?.mp3
- file:【附赠课20】游戏展示-Puppet Show.mp3
- file:【附赠课04】故事-The Really Ugly Duckling.mp3
- file:【附赠课06】故事-The Tortoise and the Hair.mp3
- file:第10讲:英语启蒙的打开方式.mp3
- file:第06讲:单词需要背吗?.mp3
- file:【亲子互动展示】How are you打招呼.mp3
- file:第14讲:如何正确地磨耳朵.mp3
- file:第25课:儿歌启蒙实例-Humpty Dumpty.mp3
- file:【附赠课07】故事-Cinderumpelstiltskin.mp3
- file:【附赠课14】故事-Corduroy.mp3
- file:第43讲:经典游戏玩儿起来.mp3
- file:第04讲:家长英语不好,怎么培养孩子标准发音?.mp3
- file:第03讲:英语启蒙的最佳时间是什么时候?.mp3
- file:【附赠课05】故事-The Other Frog Prince-另一个青蛙王子.mp3
- file:第02讲:什么样的英语启蒙方法最好?.mp3
- file:【附赠课11】儿歌-Wise Old Owl.mp3
- file:第17讲: 什么样的外教是好外教?.mp3
- file:【附赠课03】适合孩子的绕口令.mp3
- file:【附赠课01】故事-Chicken Licken.mp3
- file:发刊词:为什么亲子英语是最佳的英语启蒙方法.mp3
- file:【附赠课02】故事-保龄球公主-The Princess and the Bowling Ball.mp3
- file:第12讲:怎样让孩子喜欢上英语.mp3
- file:【附赠课08】故事-The Stinky Cheeseman.mp3
- file:第19讲:在家如何引导孩子学phonics?.mp3
- file:第26课:儿歌启蒙实例-Hey Diddle Diddle+Jack Sprat.mp3
- folder:晓华亲子英语课程合集
- folder:01.【完结】一阶
- folder:07.【完结】让孩子轻松说出地道英语
- folder:06.【完结】跟着晓华读“牛津树”
- folder:08.【完结】晓华万用亲子英文35天精华课
- folder:05.【完结】晓华亲子英语-英文儿歌轻松唱
- folder:1阶-第11周-主题:My very first book of motion
- folder:1阶-第02周-主题:Dear Zoo
- folder:1阶-第05周-主题:Brush brush brush
- folder:02-手工材料包+拓展阅读
- folder:1阶-第09周-主题:All by myself (泛读littler critter -first day of school)
- folder:1阶-第01周-主题:Where is the green sheep
- folder:1阶-第03周-主题:Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar
- folder:1阶-第10周-主题:I am a bunny
- folder:01-一阶书单+绘本扫描pdf版
- folder:1阶-第04周-主题:Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
- folder:1阶-第12周-主题:Chika chika boom boom
- folder:4阶-第05周-主题:Duck on a Bike
- folder:【晓华亲子英语】第四阶段资料包
- folder:4阶-第03周-主题:Miss Nelson is missing
- folder:4阶儿歌汇总
- folder:4阶-第10周-主题:The Tiger Who Came To Tea 64-70
- folder:4阶-第01周-主题:What Game Shall We Play
- folder:4阶-第08周-主题:If the dinosaurs came back
- folder:4阶-第02周-主题:Papa,please get the Moon for me
- folder:4阶-第06周-主题:Alicia had a Bad a Day
- folder:4阶-第12周-主题:Kipper's a to z78-84
- folder:4阶-第11周-主题:Mushroom In The Rain71-77
- folder:3阶-第10周-主题:Where's my teddy
- folder:3阶-第12周-主题:Clic clack moo,cows that type
- folder:3阶-第07周-主题:If you give a mouse a cookie
- folder:3阶-第09周-主题:I will never not ever eat a tomato
- folder:三阶音频(倾听者专用)
- folder:3阶-第05周-主题:The gingerbread man
- folder:3阶-第11周-主题:Goldilocks and the three bears
- folder:3阶-第02周-主题:When Sophie gets angry-really,really angry
- folder:Day18-和解
- folder:赠:课程书籍-音频-美国家庭亲子英语
- folder:启蒙营2阶资料
- folder:二阶课程资料包
- folder:Day5-游戏+泛读
- folder:week09 All By Myself
- folder:week07 A Bear-y Tale
- folder:week12 Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom
- folder:week08 Go, Dog, Go!
- folder:week06 The Eye Book
- folder:启蒙陪伴营四阶 第3个月资料包
- folder:02-45段对话整理版
- folder:书籍CD音频
- folder:2阶-第12周-主题- Silly sally
- folder:2阶-第11周-主题- Harry the dirty dog
- folder:2阶-第10周-主题-Just a little music
- folder:2阶-第01周-主题-I like books
- folder:2阶-第06周-主题-Clifford's family
- folder:2阶-第08周-主题-Llama llama misses mama
- folder:2阶-第02周-主题-I want my hat back
- folder:2阶-第05周-主题-The pigeon finds a hotdog
- folder:2阶-第09周-主题-There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
- folder:9 Fish is Fish
- folder:4 The Stray Dog
- folder:7 Olivia
- folder:8 Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!
- folder:6 Knuffle Bunny
- folder:1 Lost and Found
- folder:3 Little Blue and Little Yellow
- folder:9 There Was an Old Lady
- folder:3 Henny Penny
- folder:1 I Like Books
- folder:4 Time for Bed
- folder:7 Piggybook
分享时间 | 2024-12-06 |
入库时间 | 2024-12-06 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 挺身*出的雪豹六 |