【物理书籍】1.粒子物理理论 - 短剧搜 - 免费资源搜索平台,网盘资源搜索神器,百度夸克云盘网盘下载,逆袭短剧推荐
- file:数理天地.jpg
- file:长期更新.几千T 资源大合集 必须看.doc
- file:李政道讲义:粒子物理和场论(2006).pdf
- file:粒子物理学 - 陈申见(南京大学物理学院 2010年).pdf
- file:核与粒子物理导论_12511441.pdf
- file:基本粒子物理学史 by 【美】亚伯拉罕.派斯.pdf
- file:核物质 by 王正行.pdf
- file:夸克:基本粒子物理前沿 by [日]南部阳一郎 陈宏芳(译) (z-lib.org).pdf
- file:Introduction to High Energy Physics, 4th ed - Donald H. Perkins.pdf
- file:粒子物理导论 - 杜东生、杨茂志(2015年版).pdf
- file:粒子物理导论(讲义).pdf
- file:Quarks and leptons_ introductory course in modern particle physics - Francis Halzen, Alan D. Martin.pdf
- file:An introduction to the standard model of particle physics - W. N. Cottingham, D. A. Greenwood.pdf
- file:An Introduction to Nuclear Physics by W.N.Cottin.pdf
- file:Fundamentals of Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics - Carlo Giunti&Chung W.Kim.pdf
- file:中微子振荡的实验证据.pdf
- file:Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics (Thomas K. Gaisser, Ralph Engel, Elisa Resconi) (Z-Library).pdf
- file:Gribbin 1998 - Q Is For Quantum - An Encyclopedia Of Particle Physics - Kilroy 400Dpi Gray.pdf
- file:An Introduction to Quarks and Partons.pdf
- file:群论和量子力学中的对称性 by 朱洪元 (z-lib.org).pdf
- file:从数学观点看物理世界:基本粒子与统一场理论 by 马天 (z-lib.org).pdf
- file:构建夸克:粒子物理学的社会学史(美)安德鲁·皮克林.pdf
- file:核物理与粒子物理 by 孙汉城,寅新艺 (z-lib.org).pdf
- file:基本粒子相互作用的相对论性量子理论 by P.T.马修斯 P. T. Matthews 黄念宁 (译) (z-lib.org).pdf
- file:粒子天体物理 by [英]唐纳德·帕金斯 来小禹 等(译) (z-lib.org).pdf
- file:Particle Physics and Cosmology Dark Matter by Mark SREDNICKI (Eds.) (z-lib.org).pdf
- file:夸克胶子等离子体:从大爆炸到小爆炸 by [日]八木浩辅 初田哲男 三明康郎 王群 等(译) (z-lib.org).pdf
- file:粒子物理与核物理讲座-高崇寿、曾谨言.pdf
- file:The Experimental Foundations Of Particle Physics (Robert Cahn, Gerson Goldhaber) (Z-Library).pdf
- file:粒子探测技术.pdf
- file:欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)60年的实验与发现.pdf
- file:Particle Physics Experiments at High Energy Colliders (Hauptman, J.) (Z-Library).pdf
- file:[粒子探测器].Particle.Detectors - C.Grupen.pdf
- file:Statistical Data Analysis - Glen Cowan.pdf
- file:实验物理中的概率和统计 - 朱永生.pdf
- file:中高能核探针与原子核结构.pdf
- file:Heavy Quark Physics (Cambridge Monographs on Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology) (Aneesh V. Manohar, Mark B. Wise) (Z-Library).pdf
- file:The Quark Structure of Hadrons.pdf
- file:高能核碰撞模拟物理.pdf
- file:Neutrinos in Particle Physics,Astronomy and Cosmology - Zhi-Zhong Xing.pdf
- folder:【物理书籍】1.粒子物理理论
- folder:2.粒子物理实验
- folder:3.高级课题
- folder:Elementary Particle Theory
- folder:基本粒子物理学 Yorikiyo Nagashima
- folder:粒子统计物理
- folder:粒子物理导论 格里菲斯
- folder:Modern Particle Physics Mark Thomson
- folder:Physics at BES-III
- folder:ROOT
- folder:相对论量子力学
- folder:实验report
- folder:Spin in Particle Physics
分享时间 | 2024-11-05 |
入库时间 | 2025-01-11 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 11*5 |