实验设计资源 - 短剧搜 - 免费资源搜索平台,网盘资源搜索神器,百度夸克云盘网盘下载,逆袭短剧推荐
- file:测序的发展与文献案例剖析.pptx
- file:视频播放必看.png
- file:1.5如何绘制分子机制图.mp4
- file:开题报告的书写.mp4
- file:技术路线图的制作.mp4
- file:傻瓜式的引物设计.mp4
- file:251437754013724679.png
- file:引物设计—基因_miRNA.pdf
- file:序列下载.docx
- file:primer premier5安装.doc
- file:mimics、inhibitors引物设计.docx
- file:基因小助手1.4加强版.exe
- file:引物设计软件-Primer Premier 5.0 破解版.rar
- file:快速PCR引物设计-FastPCR 5.4.rar
- file:Real-time PCR 引物设计工具-Primer Express 3.0.rar
- file:2010CB912500-细胞膜重要脂质代谢产物对重大疾病病理生理过程的调控.doc
- file:凝胶迁移实验-EMSA.pdf
- file:EMSA实验指导.pdf
- file:EMSA of zinc finger proteins.pdf
- file:Chemiluminescence-based EMSA of heparin-protein interactions.pdf
- file:Characterization of heparin-living bacteria interactions by EMSA.pdf
- file:染色质免疫沉淀技术(ChIP)视频.mp4
- file:蛋白与核酸作用检测3-CHIP.doc
- file:Dissecting long-range transcriptional mechanisms by ChIP.pdf
- file:ChIP-a tool for studying histone acetylation and transcription factor binding.pdf
- file:CHIP protocol.pdf
- file:ChIP assays revealed gene proximal promoter.pdf
- file:ELISA.wmv
- file:胶原蛋白与临床医学-顾其胜-第二军医大学出版社.pdf
- file:蛋白质电泳实验技术-郭尧君.pdf
- file:蛋白质纯化与鉴定实验指南.pdf
- file:Western blot视频之:组织蛋白质提取.flv
- file:Identification of tissue-specific DNA-protein binding sites by EMSA.pdf
- file:10355905生物信息学 基因和蛋白质分析的实用指南.pdf
- file:核酸检测篇8-Northern blot.pdf
分享时间 | 2019-11-12 |
入库时间 | 2024-08-06 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | BDY |
分享用户 | _**子君 |