CFD相关资料 - 短剧搜 - 免费资源搜索平台,网盘资源搜索神器,百度夸克云盘网盘下载,逆袭短剧推荐
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- file:数值模拟在环境工程领域中的应用(20141224).pdf
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- file:第五章:大气边界层风特性及其风洞模拟技术.pdf
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- file:ICEM二次开发.docx
- file:ICEM_CFD_基础教程_D-网格编辑.ppt
- file:ICEM CFD简明教程.pdf
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- file:看过的最好的FLUENT中文教程.pdf
- file:Y_Plus的一些讨论.pdf
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- file:fluent中低雷诺数模型.doc
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- file:Thesis_The Development of Low Cost Autonomous Chemical Sensors for Environmental Monitoring.pdf
- file:RNG_模式在工程湍流数值计算中的应用.pdf
- file:Guideline for Fluid Modeling of Atmospheric Diffusion.pdf
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- file:FLUENT 15.0流场分析实战指南朱红钧编著.iso
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- file:FLUENT 14.5流体仿真计算从入门到精通ISBN:978-7-302-34895-5.pdf
- file:English for Writing Research Papers.pdf
- file:Book__Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media.pdf
- file:Book_Modedling Complex Turbulcent flow.pdf
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- file:Ashrae handbook 2009.pdf
- file:2017-CFD simulation of flow in a long street canyon under a perpendicular wind direction_Evaluationof three computaional setting.pdf
- file:2011_Improved k-e model and wall function formulation for the RANS simualtion of ABL flows.pdf
- file:2011_Appropriate boundary conditions for computational wind engineering models revisited(边界条件设置).pdf
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- file:[5] Lancet_Air pollution and health.pdf
- file:[4] AE_Air pollution in mega cities in China.pdf
- file:[3] Science_Parrish_and_Zhu_2009-Clean air for megacities.pdf
- file:[2] Science—Global change and Ecology of cities.pdf.pdf
- file:PNAS-2015-Energy and material flows of megacities.pdf
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- file:EST_Scaling relationship for NO2 pollution and urban population size-A satellite perspective.pdf
- file:EST_Energy efficient urban form.pdf
分享时间 | 2017-03-03 |
入库时间 | 2024-08-03 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | BDY |
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