讨论班_stanford_cs224d - 短剧搜 - 免费资源搜索平台,网盘资源搜索神器,百度夸克云盘网盘下载,逆袭短
- file:未来-袁从德.pptx
- file:讨论班-2015.xls
- file:word2vec.jpg
- file:skipgram&glove.jpg
- file:sigmoid_tanh_etc.jpg
- file:NeuralNetwork.jpg
- file:mmexport1448356633058.jpg
- file:CNN.jpg
- file:MVI_2749.MOV
- file:IMG_2959.JPG
- file:Efficient Implementation and GPUs ——黄子豪 12.02.pdf
- file:Batch Normalization.pdf
- file:YoonKim_SingleLayerCNN_EMNLP14.pdf
- file:Kalchbrenner_DCNN_ACL14.pdf
- file:Convolutional Neural Networks(for NLP)_by_chenbjin_修改版.pptx
- file:讨论班-郑华滨-Really-long-term Memory Models.pdf
- file:Neural Turing Machines.pdf
- file:Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate.pdf
- file:Memory Networks .pdf
- file:RecursiveNN的应用.pdf
- file:Recursive Neural Network.pptx
- file:EMNLP2004-max-margin-parsing.pdf
- file:BpThroughStructure.pdf
- file:lecture 8-GRUs and LSTMs for machine translation.pptx
- file:presentation.pdf
- file:Neural Tips and Tricks andBackpropagation.pptx
- file:matlab代码.zip
- file:讨论班_刘思聪.pptx
- file:如何在计算机表示一个词.ppt
- file:README.md
- file:cnn_sentence.tar.gz
分享时间 | 2015-11-17 |
入库时间 | 2024-07-24 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | BDY |
分享用户 | sy..******.com |