B34 量化研究与研报 - 短剧搜 - 免费资源搜索平台,网盘资源搜索神器,百度夸克云盘网盘下载,逆袭短剧推荐
- file:20170622-华泰证券-华泰人工智能系列之二:人工智能选股之广义线性模型.pdf
- file:20170621-天风证券-因子的事件化研究.pdf
- file:20170621-天风证券-量化择时框架、仓位管理与市场展望:趋势、估值、背离、风险偏好.pdf
- file:20170620-华宝证券-数量化策略跟踪评价报告:行业配置,估值因子有效吗.pdf
- file:20170618-兴业证券-风险均衡方法及其在目标风险策略中的应用.pdf
- file:20170616-光大证券-金工事件研究体系介绍:量化选股之事件驱动.pdf
- file:20170615-国泰君安-中小盘增发并购2017中期投资策略:严监管3.0时代,定增回归投资本质.pdf
- file:20170615-国泰君安-数量化专题之九十三:基于短周期价量特征的多因子选股体系.pdf
- file:20170615-光大证券-技术择时系列研究之二:RSRS择时及行业轮动.pdf
- file:20170613-中信证券-2017年下半年量化投资策略:处境、布局与当前选择.pdf
- file:20170613-广发证券-并购重组政策对A股的影响分析:创业板业绩将逐步回归内生增长.pdf
- file:9.The Impact of Time Horizon on the Effect of Diversification.pdf
- file:8.Oil Prices Implied Volatility or Direction.pdf
- file:7.Exploring the determinants of Bitcoin's price.pdf
- file:6.A Novel Approach to Forecasting Financial Volatility with Gaussian Process Envelopes.pdf
- file:5.Time Variation of the Equity Term Structure.pdf
- file:4.Investor Attention and Sentiment.pdf
- file:3.Is Index Trading Benign.pdf
- file:2.P_E Ratios and Value Investor Attention.pdf
- file:15.You are in a drawdown. When should you start worrying.pdf
- file:14.Nonlinear Parabolic Equations arising in Mathematical Finance.pdf
- file:13.Stock Price Patterns When Overconfident Traders Overestimate Their Ability and Underestimate the Competition.pdf
分享时间 | 2017-11-30 |
入库时间 | 2024-07-16 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | BDY |
分享用户 | fint******plab |