Semester 1 - 短剧搜 - 免费资源搜索平台,网盘资源搜索神器,百度夸克云盘网盘下载,逆袭短剧推荐
- file:组织行为学分组名单.xlsx
- file:学生版-2016GMBA《组织行为学》课程大纲.pdf
- file:双元能力促进企业服务敏捷性_海底捞公司发展历程案例研究_郑晓明.pdf
- file:第一讲 组织行为学的发展与挑战S.pdf
- file:第五讲 团队、冲突与沟通S.pdf
- file:第七讲 组织、变革与文化S.pdfx.pdf
- file:【第二周作业材料:个人作业】OB电子阅读材料二:自我管理 每个人都要成为自己的“首席执行官”.pdf
- file:MT Session 9 Negotiation.pdf
- file:MT Session 6 Team specification template.ppt
- file:MT Session 6 NEV Team exercise.doc
- file:MT Session 5 Lean Canvas and BSC for Starbucks Template.ppt
- file:MT Session 5 Business Model and Balanced Scorecard.pdf
- file:MT Session 4 Dynamic Social Systems.pdf
- file:review for ME.pdf
- file:ME Math.pdf
- file:ME L9 双面打印53份,左上角装订.pdf
- file:McKinsey Course-Grading Scheme2016.pdf
- file:JournalTemplate2016.doc
- file:Course Syllabus-McKinsey Leadership_Fall2016.pdf
- file:Class 8 - 2016 McKinsey Course-Closing.pdf
- file:Class 7 - Corporate finance.pdf
- file:Class 6 - Tsinghua_Transformation-20161201.pdf
- file:Class 5 - 20161124 Organization.pdf
- file:Class 3 - 2016.11.03 - Tsinghua - Asset Management & BlackRock_vF.pdf
- file:Class 2 - 20161020_Tsinghua_Tech disruption(1).pdf
- file:Class 1 - 2016 Tsinghua opening presentation_Final.pdf
- file:Structure a decision tree using software.pdf
- file:NEXnet corp.xlsx
- file:Introduction_2016.pptx
- file:DMD复习掌中宝_2016P3_v1.docx
- file:DMD--1-6章复习.pptx
- file:CROQPAIN.xls
- file:chapter 8 - GMBA2016(1).ppt
分享时间 | 2017-09-19 |
入库时间 | 2024-03-21 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | BDY |
分享用户 | 心*的弦 |