Power BI 夜校资料 - 短剧搜 - 免费资源搜索平台,网盘搜索神器,百度群组分享夸克云盘网盘下载,逆袭短剧推荐
- file:PowerBI新春培训.mp4
- file:power-bi-embedded-integrate-report-into-web-app-master.zip
- file:Power BI Overview v3.pptx
- file:bou2_4p.json
- file:Power BI夜校培训 - 2018年9月20日 17.38.34.mp4
- file:02.第一讲(2)-Power BI Desktop Overview.pdf
- file:Power BI夜校动手实验Step by Step-Power BI 报表服务器安装和使用.pdf
- file:07.Power BI Report Server 技术预览.pdf
- file:06.使用Power BI构建智能应用程序.pdf
- file:05.第四讲-Power BI online1.0.pdf
- file:Finance datasources.xlsx
- file:Exec reports - Finance.pbix
- file:杨威,赵杰-Power BI 在教育行业的应用.pdf
- file:王辉 -Power BI案例分享.pdf
- file:邱泠-Power BI Second Birthday v3.1415.pdf
- file:李东-PowerBI在制造业和销售领域应用.pdf
- file:陈希章-Power BI 两周年圆桌会议和Modern workplace的核心价值分享.pdf
- file:Demo Data.xlsx
- file:AllDemo.pbix
- file:测试.txt
- file:财务仪表板1.pbix
- file:WordCloud.1.2.5.pbiviz
- file:Sales Analysis Datasource-cn.xlsx
- file:Pyramid 3D Chart by Collabion.1.0.0.pbiviz
- file:Power BI Executive Dashboard Demo - SandDance Visual.zip
- file:Card with States by SQLBI.1.2.6.pbiviz
- file:9.5 Platform-specific features Presentation mode, Live Tiles for Windows, Alerts for iOS (9-5).mp4
- file:9.4 Taking your Power BI content offline (Lab 9-4).mp4
- file:9.3 Sharing and Annotating in Power BI mobile (9-3).mp4
- file:9.2 Report Gallery and Search (9-2).mp4
- file:9.1 Intro to mobile apps (9-1).mp4
- file:8.7 Summary of Lab 8.mp4
- file:8.6 Custom visuals and the Visual Gallery (8-6).mp4
- file:8.4 Integrating a tile into your application (8-4).mp4
- file:8.2 Interactive API console (8-2).mp4
- file:8.1 Power BI for Developers (8-1).mp4
- file:7.6a SSAS MD Preview (Lab 7 6a).mp4
分享时间 | 2018-09-11 |
入库时间 | 2024-03-18 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | BDY |
分享用户 | ju****art |