R - 短剧搜 - 免费资源搜索平台,网盘资源搜索神器,百度夸克云盘网盘下载,逆袭短剧推荐
- file:学习笔记-R入门.pdf
- file:统计学与R笔记.pdf
- file:练习数据.rar
- file:基于R_Bioconductor进行生物芯片数据分析.ppt
- file:[R语言资料小全].Using.R.for.Data.Management,.Statistical.Analysis,.and.Graphics.pdf
- file:[R语言资料小全].Using.R.for.Data.Analysis.and.Graphics.-.Introduction,.Examples.and.Commentary.pdf
- file:[R语言资料小全].Time.Series.Analysis.With.Applications.in.R.pdf
- file:[R语言资料小全].The.R.Book.pdf
- file:[R语言资料小全].Statistics.with.R.pdf
- file:[R语言资料小全].Statistics.and.Data.with.R.An.applied.approach.through.examples.pdf
- file:多元统计分析及R语言建模的附件.rar.rar
- file:R语言实战_CHS.pdf
- file:R.in.Action.pdf
- file:mvstats_2.0.zip
- file:mvcase2.xls
- file:slides-regex.pdf
- file:slides-classes-methods.pdf
- file:ProgAssignment4.pdf
- file:5 - 6 - Classes and Methods in R (34-51).srt
- file:5 - 5 - Regular Expressions in R (30-08).srt
- file:5 - 4 - Introduction to Baltimore City Homicide Data (4-20).srt
- file:slides-PlottingLattice.pdf
- file:documents-tufte.pdf
- file:4 - 9 - Reproducible Research- Concepts and Ideas (16-05).mp4
- file:4 - 8 - Plotting with Mathematical Annotation (6-03).srt
- file:specdata (1).zip
- file:slides-lecture3 Control Structures.pdf
分享时间 | 2013-09-11 |
入库时间 | 2024-02-24 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | BDY |
分享用户 | 毕加***想10 |