file:【回来吧难道你不怀恋吗-】140920 北京CON
file:【回来吧难道你不怀恋吗-】140920 北京CON 6P(1).zip
file:【年少巨根】140802 西安CON 鹿晗相关 10P .zip
file:【中国娱乐报道】【现场】141106 鹿晗解约后首亮相本色演“孙子”.flv
file:【新浪娱乐视频】141102 鹿晗解约后首露面被亲脸害羞.Wmv
file:【lovesickluhan】140920 TLP in Beijing - The Star (ver. Luhan).mp4 file:LOVESICK 2014 Calendar Special Gift Preview.mp4 file:Appear in Your Dream (lovesick's first DVD Teaser).mp4 file:140823 TLP in Singapore - 월광 (루한 Dance ver.) (1).mp4 file:140705 EXO Concert 'THE LOST PLANET' in Chengdu 리허설 - 장난꾸러기 루한 II.mp4 file:140705 Chengdu Concert - 월광 (ver. Luhan).mp4 file:140614 EXO CONCERT - THE LOST PLANET in Wuhan - Thunder (ver.Luhan).mp4 file:140525 EXO Concert 'The Lost Planet' - The Star (루한 solo).mp4 file:140420 Best of Best in Nanjing - 중독 (Overdose).mp4 file:140415 EXO Comeback Showcase - 중독 (Overdose) (ver.luhan).mp4 file:140214 원소희락회 Index.mp4
file:【小王子的睫毛】140718 上海D1 高清