file:亚洲一哥五天突破量化统计培训PPT.pdf file:新建文件夹.rar file:定量研究方法与SPSS零基础至中级应用 10.mp4 file:提示.txt file:process安装指导图.jpg file:spss23 64位.zip file:t and pair t test.sav file:ANOVA.sav file:运动彩券行销组合活动与类型对购买意愿关系之研究.pdf file:熟龄族群温泉知觉价值量表发展之研究.pdf file:大学生参与壁球运动态度研究.pdf file:SPSS training data mean center.sav file:rivise rawdata.sav file:questionnaire(title).doc file:pretest.xls file:moderator and mediator.xls file:item analysis.sav file:CR & AVE2016.xlsx file:AIO questionnair.doc file:spssdata var2.sav file:spss training data.xls file:JN plot.sps file:interaction plot.sps file:The upper and lower 27percentage rule.pdf file:The selection of upper and lower groups for the validation of test items(1939).pdf file:The 27 Percent Rule Revisited.pdf file:Ten Common Misunderstandings, Misconceptions, Persistent Myths and Urban Legends about Likert Scales and Likert Response Formats and their Antidotes.pdf file:STRATEGIC SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IMPROVING PERFORMANCE THROUGH A CULTURE.pdf file:Stats and Methods Urban Legend control variables.doc file:Splitting a Predictor at the Upper Quarter or Third and the Lower Quarter or Third.pdf file:post hoc anova test.pdf file:New Techniques Pretesting Survey Questions.pdf file:Moderator-Mediator Variable(Baron).pdf file:Methodological Urban Legends. The Misuse of Statistical Control Variables.pdf