file:刀匕刀个人微信.png file:带刀设计公众号.png file:01 - Next steps.avi file:05 - Exporting multiple files.avi file:04 - Adjusting the title and animations for the best compression.avi file:03 - Correcting color for consistency.avi file:02 - Polishing the final audio mix.avi file:01 - Evaluating the piece for finishing goals.avi file:10 - Presenting the picture lock to the client and receiving approval.avi file:09 - Locking the picture and preparing the Timeline for finishing.avi file:08 - Adding end credits.avi file:07 - Reviewing all assets.avi file:06 - Fine-cutting audio.avi file:05 - Tightening clip timing.avi file:03 - Adjusting interview content.avi file:02 - Refining scene order.avi file:05 - Presenting graphics work.avi file:04 - Animating a title graphic in Premiere.avi file:02 - Animating images.avi file:01 - Planning moves on photographs.avi file:07 - Completing the rough cut.avi file:06 - Adding other media types to the Timeline.avi file:04 - Building sequences and scenes.avi file:02 - Assembling B-roll shots.avi file:01 - Structuring the edit.avi file:07 - Pulling selects and presenting ideas .avi file:06 - Preparing archival images with Photoshop.avi file:05 - Adding notes to B-roll clips.avi file:04 - Logging interviews with markers.avi file:02 - Choosing an interview logging method.avi file:01 - Organizing the ingest process.avi file:04 - Researching background and history.avi file:03 - Tips on B-roll sequences.avi file:02 - Tips for working with interviews.avi file:01 - Identifying messaging concepts.avi
file:刀匕刀个人微信.png file:带刀设计公众号.png file:Miaow
file:刀匕刀个人微信.png file:带刀设计公众号.png file:(140).zip file:金融类 (9).jpg
file:刀匕刀个人微信.png file:带刀设计公众号.png file:10-UI作品集模板【21页】.zip file:招聘网【1920px 3页】.zip file:2018年9月 中文应用组件APP【iPhoneX 108页】.zip
file:刀匕刀个人微信.png file:带刀设计公众号.png file:第84节 - 总结.mp4 file:第82节 - 如何归档你的AI项目文件.mp4 file:第81节 - Adobe CC Library介绍.mp4 file:第80节 - Adobe Bridge与AI的结合使用.mp4 file:第78节 - AI文件输出设置:移动设备格式.mp4 file:第74节-渐变网格的使用.mp4 file:第73节-精致图案设计(2).mp4 file:第66节 · 封套扭曲工具的使用技巧.mp4 file:第58节 · 文字环绕排版.mp4 file:第57节 · 剪切蒙版组合文字特效.mp4 file:第46节 - 矢量化图像的优化和填色.mp4 file:第43节 - 手绘简单照片预处理.mp4 file:第41节 - 图像画笔的创建及应用.mp4 file:第38节 - 艺术笔刷及自定义设置.mp4 file:第35节 - 机器人绘制实操演练.mp4 file:第29节 · 精准绘图利器:钢笔工具介绍.mp4 file:第26节 · 高效互补的上色方式.mp4
file:刀匕刀个人微信2.png file:带刀设计公众号.png file:Adobe_Premiere_Pro_2020_14.0.0.571_SP_20191023.7z file:Adobe_Lightroom_Classic_9.0.0.201910151439_SP_20191023.7z file:更新Adobe Photoshop 2020 v47.dmg file:Adobe XD 2020 file:Adobe Premiere Rush 2020 1.2.12.dmg file:Adobe Media Encoder 2020 14.0.dmg file:Adobe Lightroom Classic 2020 9.0.0.dmg file:Adobe CC 2019 - 2020 GenP file:解压密码 .txt file:Dreamweaver 2020 汉化包.dmg file:Adobe Zii 2020