file:learn-vue-js-1-0-part-9-make-it-a-todo-app-cut.mp4 file:learn-vue-js-1-0-in-action-part-7-rendering-lists-with-vue-cut.mp4 file:源码.zip file:post-detail.js file:9-特殊is属性扩展原生html元素.mp4 file:8-使用props传递数据.mp4 file:7-什么是组件?.mp4 file:6-利用hash过滤数据.mp4 file:5-watch深度监控数据.mp4 file:4-编辑便签任务.mp4 file:2-指令和模板.mp4 file:1播放须知.txt file:11-利用自定义事件通信.mp4 file:10-v-bind动态绑定数据.mp4 file:8.补充.wmv file:7.列表数据加载.wmv file:4.VUE基本的路由结构.wmv file:2.开始构建(服务端介绍).wmv file:17.Laravel Login Signup quick setup - part 2.mp4 file:15.Vuejs validation - Adding basic validation to Todo Add component.mp4 file:14.Working with Vuex - adding delete functionality.mp4 file:13. Working with Vuex part 2 - setting up Actions for listing and Add.mp4 file:11.Handling the Edit & Delete for the Todos.mp4 file:10.Add Todos with API calls to database.mp4 file:09.Vue Resource to make api calls and fetch data - part 2.mp4 file:vue.js 014 08 计算属性的奥秘.mov file:vue.js 014 05 file:vue.js 013 组件 5-8 Recursive