TED演讲合集(2010-2020)217.3GB - 短剧搜 - 免费资源搜索平台,网盘资源搜索神器,百度夸克云盘网盘
- file:9_What is economic value and who creates it.mp4
- file:8_The paradox of efficiency.mp4
- file:84_How technology has changed what it's like to be deaf.mp4
- file:83_Management lessons from Chinese business and philosophy.mp4
- file:82_How volumetric video brings a new dimension to filmmaking.mp4
- file:81_Why you should get paid for your data.mp4
- file:80_This is your brain on air pollution.mp4
- file:7_The unforeseen consequences of a fast-paced world.mp4
- file:79_Why COVID-19 is hitting us now and how to prepare for the next outbreak.mp4
- file:78_How can we control the coronavirus.mp4
- file:77_The beautiful, hard work of co-parenting.mp4
- file:eLSeed_2015U[传递希望与和平的街头艺术].mp4
- file:ZariaForman_2015P[表现地球美丽和脆弱的绘画].mp4
- file:YvesMorieux_2015S[工作中繁多的条条框框会影响你的效率].mp4
- file:YuvalNoahHarari_2015G[人类如何称霸地球].mp4
- file:YanisVaroufakis_2015G[资本主义会消灭民主 — 除非我们站出来].mp4
- file:WillPotter_2015F[关于美国监狱_你从未听过的秘密].mp4
- file:WaelGhonim_2015G[让我们设计能够实现真正变革的社交媒体].mp4
- file:VijayKumar_2015X[飞行机器人的未来].mp4
- file:VictorRios_2015P[幫助被教育体系忽视的孩子们].mp4
- file:TrevorCopp_2015X[打破性别限定的交谊舞].mp4
- file:TrevorAaronson_2015U[联邦调查局的策略如何造就了美国的恐怖分子].mp4
- file:ZiyahGafic_2014U[日常的用品_悲惨的历史].mp4
- file:ZiauddinYousafzai_2014[我的女儿_马拉拉].mp4
- file:ZeynepTufekci_2014G[网路让社会变革容易组织_却难以实现].mp4
- file:ZeFrank_2014[你是人吗].mp4
- file:ZakEbrahim_2014[我的父亲是恐怖分子_但我选择了和平].mp4
- file:YorubaRichen_2014[同性恋权利运动从民权运动学会什么].mp4
- file:YassminAbdelMagied_2014X[我的头巾对你意味着什么].mp4
- file:WillPotter_2014U[和平抗议竟遭降罪].mp4
- file:WillMarshall_2014[袖珍卫星展示接近实时地追踪地球的变化].mp4
- file:WendyFreedman_2014G[新望远镜能向我们展示宇宙之初].mp4
- file:WendyChung_2014[自闭症──所知的(和未知的).].mp4
分享时间 | 2021-11-11 |
入库时间 | 2024-04-24 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | ALY |
分享用户 | m***n |